Use and Occupancy and Resale Requirements
Residential properties with on-lot septic do not require a U & O prior to resale.
Non-Residential Resale Requirement: Use and Occupancy permits are required for all non-residential properties for a change of use, change of occupancy, or change of owner. A letter must accompany the application detailing the proposed use in addition to a parking plan. Please contact the Building Department prior to submission of the form as any physical improvements to the property may also require a Building Permit. If no Building Permit is being submitted with the application, the fee is $75. If a Building Permit is accompanying the application, the fee is $50. The permit application can be found here. Please also be advised that a separate sign permit is require for businesses that require signage.
Public Sewer District Resale Requirement (Residential AND Non-Residential): For property owners (both residential and non-residential) in the Public Sewer District, there is a mandatory resale requirement to have your house connection (sometimes called a lateral or building sewer) televised and cross-connections inspected by the Township. Property owners are REQUIRED notify the Township at least 30 days prior to selling their homes to complete this requirement. This requires the home owner to contract with a plumber or other contractor capable of performing the televising, completing the permit application with the required information, and then submitting the permit application to the Township with the required fee. The fee is currently $250.00. Once the permit is submitted the Township will coordinate the inspection with the homeowner/property representative and the contractor to witness the televising and perform the cross connection inspection. Please note that televising inspections must be completed with the Township Building Inspector present, DVDs in lieu of the actual inspection will not be accepted. If you are unsure if your property is located within the Public Sewer District, a map can be found here. The permit cost is $250 and the application can be found here.
For a property that has received a televising witnessed by the Township within the last 5 years prior to the current date of resale, ONLY a cross connection inspection is require. This permit does NOT require a contractor and the inspection is performed by the Township Building Inspector. A cross connection inspection is REQUIRED EVERYTIME a property goes to resale. NO EXCEPTIONS. This permit carries a fee of $150.00. Contact the Township if you are unsure if the property needs to be televised.
For a list of contractors that have performed televising's in the Township, CLICK HERE.
To make a payment, CLICK HERE.