Helpful Information for Homeowners
Edgmont Township has continued to partner with the Chester-Ridley-Crum Watersheds Association in order to provide extensive information to residents about proper stormwater management practices. Below are some helpful guides for stormwater management. More information about Chester-Ridley-Crum Watersheds Association can be found by visiting their website here:
Green Guide for Property Management - This guide may assist managers of large properties to identify green initiatives
Greener than Grass - This information sheet outlines the benefits of meadow conditions on properties.
Homeowners Guide to Stormwater BMP Maintenance - This document provides information about Stormwater Management, stormwater regulations for homeowners, and stormwater Best Management Practice (BMP) descriptions.
Monthly Stormwater Planner - This guide provides a seasonal guide with tips for yard care and stormwater management
Rain Garden Brochure - CRC has prepared this helpful guide for creating and maintaining a rain garden on your property
Improving Stormwater Basins Naturally - CRC has prepared this guide to naturally improving a stormwater management basin
Stormwater BMPs - National Menu of Stormwater Best Management Practices
Stormwater Reference Documents - An EPA compiled listing of outreach materials and reference documents
Nonpoint Source Pollution - At this site there are several sub-topics under the "Quick Finder" section that may be useful for MS4s