4 Flyway Drive - Conditional Use Application, Steep Slopes (Traister)

The applicants, Matthew & Ashley Traister, have submitted a Conditional Use application for construction related activities within the Steep Slope Conservation District to construct a single-family dwelling, with associated driveway, stormwater management facilities, and other improvements on the property of 4 Flyway Drive.


The applicant has requested Conditional Use approval for Sections 365-133.A & B of the Zoning Ordinance for the construction of the dwelling. They are also seeking variance relief from Zoning Code Sections 365-133.A(1) & (3) and 365-153.B(2)(a)(4) & (H) to permit topsoil removal and grading for the construction of the dwelling and to permit the retaining wall with geogrid system closer than five feet to the property line.