The Ventry at Edgmont Preserve (Edgmont Country Club) - West Chester Pike
This development contains 73 single-family detached dwelling units and 94 attached single-family dwelling units, with community recreation facilities and trails. Certain existing wooded steep slopes will remain undisturbed. The existing clubhouse will be redeveloped into a new residence. Public Water and sewer will serve this tract.
October 2022 UPDATE: Permits and CO’s continue to be processed and approved for the development. The Township continues to meet bi-monthly with all stakeholders.
o The Township monitors the site regularly with Yerkes and the Conservation District.
o The West Pedestrian Bridge construction is largely completed.
o The barn has been re-sided, and a new man door on the South side of the barn and plexiglass windows have been installed. The Township Road Maintenance Contractor is working on vegetation removal around the barn and utilizing millings from the road project, placing them on the roadway around the barn.