Preliminary/Final Minor Subdivision Application - Mancill Subdivision, 3 Lots located in the 1200 Block of Gradyville Road
The applicant has submitted a Preliminary/Final Subdivision plan for a three lot subdivision in the 1200 block of Gradyville Road.
Highlights of the Plan:
- Total Site Size: 9.726 Acres
- Lot Size: 2 Acres with Lot Averaging
o Lot 1 = 1.567 Acres
o Lot 2 = 3.264 Acres
o Lot 3 = 3.677 Acres
- The site contains Steep and Very Steep Slopes, Flood Plain and Riparian Buffer areas. The plans indicate that these will not be disturbed.
- Lots to be serviced by onsite well and septic. Replacement areas will be provided.