Septic Permits
As of June 1, 2023, the Delaware County Health Department (DCHD) is responsible for inspections, investigations, permit issuance, and enforcement in accordance with Pennsylvania Act 537. Accordingly, DCHD will process and issue permits for the installation of individual and small community on-lot sewage disposal systems.
EXISTING SPETIC SYSTEMS: Edgmont Township will still review permit applications that may impact existing septic systems (i.e. additions, pools, etc.). If you have questions, please contact Susan Sharp at: 610-459-1662 x204 or by email at
For more information, please contact the DCHD SEO:
Bill Conrad, SEO
Environmental Health Division
1510 Chester Pike, Suite 700
Eddystone, PA 19022
**Please note, the Environmental Health Division is located in Eddystone. Permits can be submitted, via email, U.S. Mail, or in person**
For on-lot septic system information, permits and forms, please visit:
For a list of fees associated with permits and inspections by the DCHD, please visit:
For a list of licensed contractors, please visit: