Building Permit and Information

The Building permit application is an all inclusive permit application. Please fill out the pages applicable to your project.  For questions regarding the permit application or process, please contact Susan Sharp at 610-459-1662 x 204 or  BEFORE submitting the permit application. 


Permit Process:

  1. Fill out the appropriate permit form and submit it to the township building with payment.  
  2. Once the permit is approved, we will email the permit to the owner and contractor.
  3. As the project progresses, you will need to get the appropriate inspections (these will be listed on the approved permit).
  4. Once we receive all the approved final inspections, we will issue the owner a CO and the project will be officially closed out.


Permits are needed before beginning construction or improvement projects.  Forms may be printed, mailed, hand delivered, or e-mailed to at the Township office. All permit applications must be signed by the property owner. We DO NOT accept permits without payment. 


Payment: You can mail a check into our office or you can pay online here: Make a Payment (Invoices & Fees) - Finance - Edgmont, PA . For online payment - Under Select Payment Item – select Permits.  In the Type of Permit – list the address. Then fill in the rest of the pertinent information.



Building, Mechanical, Plumbing Inspections: When you are ready for any inspection please contact Linn Architects at  or by phone at 610-566-7044 option 2 (the contractor or homeowner can call to set up the inspection).

Electrical Inspections: If you are ready for an electrical inspection, you will need to contact Len Warren at United Inspections at 610-399-5094 to schedule an appointment (the contractor or homeowner can call to set up the inspection).


Building permits are required for the following:

  • Air conditioning
  • Cell Towers - Cell Tower permits have their own permit application. CLICK HERE.
  • Covered porch or deck
  • Decks:

        - under 30" above grade will need a zoning permit

        - over 30"  above grade will need a building permit

  • Electrical service upgrade
  • EV Chargers (Car Chargers)
  • Fences
  • Finishing a basement
  • Furnaces
  • Garages
  • Gas line installation
  • Generators
  • Geothermal wells
  • Heat pump installation
  • House construction
  • Kitchen renovation - Cosmetic changes such as changing kitchen cabinets, painting, or replacing flooring DO NOT require a permit
  • Retaining Walls:
    • If the retaining wall (or retaining a surcharge) is under 4' in height you will need a zoning permit.
    • If the retaining wall (or retaining a surcharge) is 4' in height or over you will need to get a building permit. Any permit application for a wall over 4' in height must be accompanied by a plan sealed by a registered architect or engineer. Retaining wall permits are subject to specialized review fees.  
    • Please submit the permit application, payment and a plot plan of the property showing where the wall is going to be installed. The plot plan can be hand drawn, but must include the following: your house location & any other structures (garage, shed, pool), the proposed location of the wall, property lot lines, location of septic system, wells and the location of any pipelines that go through the property (if applicable).  
    • You must make a PA One Call (phone number: 811) to have your utilities marked before you dig. 
  • Roofs - Roofing permits have their own permit application. CLICK HERE.
  • Sheds:

        - If the structure is under 300 s.f. & is NOT connected to utilities (electric or water) you will need a zoning permit

        - If the structure is under 300 s.f. & IS connected to utilities (electric or water) you will need a building permit 

        - If the structure is over 300 s.f. with or without utilities (electric or water) you will need to get a building permit.

  • Stucco permits (replacing with new stucco or siding) - Stucco permits have their own permit application. CLICK HERE.
  • Tenant fit-outs
  • Water line installation 


SEPTIC PERMITS: As of June 1, 2023, the Delaware County Health Department (DCHD) is responsible for inspections, investigations, permit issuance, and enforcement for the installation of individual and small community on-lot sewage disposal systems. For Septic Permit information, CLICK HERE

EXISTING SPETIC SYSTEMS: Edgmont Township will still review permits associated existing septic systems (i.e. additions, pools, etc.). Please contact Susan Sharp if you have questions: