Fence Permits
For any type of fence permit you will need a zoning permit. Please submit the zoning permit application, payment and a plot plan of the property showing where the fence is going to be installed. The plot plan can be hand drawn, but must include the following: your house location & any other structures (garage, shed, pool), the proposed location of the fence, property lot lines, location of septic system, wells and the location of any pipelines that go through the property (if applicable).
Misc. Fence Rules:
- For any fence over 6', the portion of the fence over 6' must have a ratio of open to solid area of at least 4 to 1 (like lattice).
- Fences can define a property boundary and thus can be placed on your property line. Please know where your property line is before you install the fence.
- Fences may not be erected where they block sight distance for anyone traveling along the street or pulling into or out of a street/driveway.
- A fence may not be erected in the street right-of-way.
- The Township does not regulate the color or material of your fence; however, your homeowner's association might. Please note that if the property has an HOA, we will need the approval letter from the HOA before we issue the permit.
- You must make a PA One Call (phone number: 811) to have your utilities marked before you dig.
Payment: You can mail a check into our office or you can pay online here: Make a Payment (Invoices & Fees) - Finance - Edgmont, PA . For online payment - Under Select Payment Item – select Permits. In the Type of Permit – list the address. Then fill in the rest of the pertinent information.
For questions regarding the permit application or process, please contact Susan Sharp at 610-459-1662 x 204 or SSharp@edgmont.org BEFORE submitting the permit application.